“Refugee” tells the story of Aicha Diop, a West African refugee who made the biggest sacrifice of all when she boarded a plane for the US in 2003, leaving her 5 children behind. Despite the trauma of her past, a life-threatening illness, and the harsh realities of life in the South Bronx, Aicha perseveres, driven solely by the desire to provide her children with a better future and to be reunited with them once again. “Refugee” is the remarkable story of a mother’s love, and how the power of hope can propel us through insurmountable obstacles, even after losing everything.
Directed and produced by Joyce Chen and Emily Moore. Our guest will be Joyce Chen.
In 2017 “Refugee” was the official selection of 28 film festivals, beginning with a world premiere at the Telluride Film Festival. During its festival season, the film won the Grand Jury Prize for Best Documentary Short 8 times.