In 2018 we screened Laura Nix’s Inventing Tomorrow, an inspiring film that follows seven passionate young scientists and innovators from all over the world as they tackle environmental issues in their own backyards and compete for the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF). One of the student teams featured three boys from Mexico, Jesús, José and Fernando, who were...
Every year, our volunteer filmmaker liaisons, Kayla Skidmore and Wendy Chute, work enthusiastically to ensure the filmmakers have the best possible stay during their time at the Windrider Film Forum. Windrider Bay Area Volunteers Kayla Skidmore and Wendy Chute As part of the Windrider Hospitality experience, Kayla and Wendy prepare swag bags for the filmmakers, arrange for pickup at...
With our first-ever Virtual Film Forum just around the corner (Saturday, June 27th at 7pm PDT), we’ve rounded up our top tips for setting up the optimal at-home viewing experience. First, be sure to check your Wi-Fi connection. If it seems spotty and cuts in and out, try resetting your Wi-Fi box. If you’re still having issues, call your internet...
On Tuesday April 21st, 2020, P.O.V. hosted a virtual screening and Q&A of the film Inventing Tomorrow, as seen at Windrider Bay Area 2018. Inventing Tomorrow Q&A at Windrider Bay Area 2018 As you may recall, this incredible film follows students all over the world as they prepare for the largest international science fair. When searching for students to feature...
Windrider Bay Area team members Terri Bullock and Will Stoller-Lee recently attended the 2019 Student Academy Awards in Hollywood which included a surprise reunion with filmmaker Julian Higgins who has screened two of his award-winning short films at WRBA (Thief, 2013, Gold Medal winner at the Student Academy Awards, and Winter Light, 2015, top ten Oscar finalist). Julian was excited...